วันศุกร์ที่ 29 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2555

EXCLUSIVE: 'The Buried Life' Guys Dance With Karina Smirnoff from 'DWTS'

EXCLUSIVE: 'The Buried Life' Guys Dance With Karina Smirnoff from 'DWTS' Tube. Duration : 4.72 Mins.

Hollywire wanted to help 'The Buried Life' guys prepare for #79 on their list: Dancing With Ellen Degeneres. So, we brought in a little help from our friend Karina Smirnoff from "Dancing With the Stars" to teach the boys a little Salsa, and in return, they taught her a few of their own signature "moves".

Keywords: karina smirnoff, the buried life, tbl, mtv, duncan penn, jonnie penn, ben nemtin, dave lingwood, dance, dance with ellen, 79, #79, list, ellen degeneres, salsa, dwts, dancing with the stars, lazy susan, hollywire, katie krause, chelsea briggs, lex houser, terra giefer




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